Healthcare Professionals
Great news. You made it to the Oatly UK healthcare professional website. This is where you’ll find so much more than the nutrition information for Oatly products. We’ve also got educational resources like webinars and our e-newsletter, and all kinds of details, particulars, facts and/or figures on topics like plant-based eating, cow’s milk allergies, lactose intolerance, and a ton of other things that tend to be of interest to people who are passionate about health and nutrition.
You may like to start by checking out the most popular links below or be super independent and choose whatever you feel like choosing from the full menu over there at the top right of this screen. For nutrition information on specific products, just click on the carton marked Products over at the bottom right.
And if you can't find what you're looking for, please do send us a note here. We want to make sure you leave this page thinking, “Those were the greatest UK healthcare professional pages about liquid oat products I’ve ever seen!” Or something like that.